Vermont Land Trust

Brand Implenation I Print Design I Wayfinding
Creative Direction: Ruthless and Wellington

VLT works to protect and conserve land in the state of Vermont. Founded in 1977, the VLT has worked to protect over 600,000 acres of land in Vermont, including farms, forests, wildlife habitat, recreational areas, and cultural landmarks. Working to Implement their recent rebrand through signage, print materials and Digital assets.
VLT’s identity guidelines developed by Solidarity of Unbridled Labour.


Bluffside is a 135-acre property located in Vermont, USA, that was acquired by the Vermont Land Trust to conserve its natural resources and provide public access to its trails and scenic vistas. In collaboration with Vermont Land Trust we designed a comprehensive wayfinding system, map and information signage for visitors

Email Templates

Designing a collection of email templates for the VLT team to use in order to keep members and potential donors informed about pertinent news, upcoming events, important updates, significant changes, and other relevant information.

New Member Packet

A printed design piece that celebrates the welcoming of VLT members, which they would receive in the mail along with location-specific information about their area.


Blueberry Bikes

